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How to Avoid a Sewer Backup?
March 27,2024

How to Avoid a Sewer Backup?

Sewer backups can cause significant property damage and pose health risks to you and your family. While wastewater disposal systems can run for years without severe malfunctions, delaying professional inspections and sewer repair can exacerbate minor issues. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, Mr. Rooter Plumbing of South Jersey recommends preventive measures to avoid such incidents. 

Regular Maintenance of Sewer Lines

Regular maintenance by a trusted plumber is crucial to preventing backups. With everything that goes down your drains, there’s bound to be a blockage sooner. Whether debris, grease, hair, soap, or other materials, regular inspections by a professional plumbing service can ensure your sewer lines are clear of any obstructions to keep your system functioning smoothly. In addition, we can detect underlying issues before they wreak havoc, causing sewer line replacement emergencies.

Proper Disposal of Waste

Improper disposal of waste can contribute to sewer backups. Even if some products are labeled “flushable” by manufacturers, they are non-biodegradable and risk blockages. Avoid flushing diapers, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, and grease down the toilet or drain. These items can clog your sewer lines and cause backups. You can avoid such scenarios by disposing of these items correctly in the trash to prevent potential blockages and system damage.

Install Backwater Valves

Another effective strategy for avoiding sewer backups is installing backwater valves. These valves allow wastewater to flow out of your home, but prevent it from re-entering during a sewer backup. A plumber can install the backwater valves in your main sewer line and any basement floor drains to protect against backups and flooding.

Maintain Tree Roots

Tree roots spread across your property, searching for nutrients and water. If a sewer line leaks beneath the ground, roots can grow inside, blocking the wastewater flow. Routine checks by a professional plumbing repair service can maintain the trees and shrubs on your property by trimming their roots and removing any vegetation that could damage your sewer lines. It is advisable to plant new trees away from your sewer lines to minimize the risk of root intrusion in the future.

Dispose of Grease Properly

Pouring grease down the drain may seem convenient, but it can cause severe problems in your plumbing system. Over time, grease can solidify and accumulate in your sewer lines, causing blockages and backups. Instead, collect grease in a container and dispose of it in the trash once it has solidified. If this simple step doesn’t work, call a plumbing sewer repair expert to prevent costly backups and maintenance.

Monitor Your Drains

Since sewer systems are underground, it may be challenging for homeowners to inspect all the lines. Professional plumbing repair service providers can monitor your drains to identify potential issues before they escalate into full-blown backups. We focus on slow-draining sinks, gurgling noises, foul odors, or water backing up in your drains, addressing the problem quickly before things get out of hand.

These vital tips can help reduce the risk of experiencing a sewer backup in your home. Remember that prevention is essential when protecting your property and ensuring the proper functioning of your plumbing system. Contact us at Mr. Rooter Plumbing of South Jersey and take a proactive approach to maintaining an efficient wastewater disposal system. We provide comprehensive plumbing services at competitive rates, including sewer line replacement and maintenance.